Philadelphia Fights for Medical Cannabis

3 min readJun 11, 2018


Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program passed on April 17, 2016, but it has yet to be fully implemented across the entire state. As the program expands into its second phase, Philadelphia is fighting for a license to grow and process medical cannabis.

The state of Pennsylvania recently announced another round of permits for cannabis growers and processors. The first round was distributed last year, but none of the licenses went to Philadelphia. The state will reportedly give out 13 additional permits to growers and processors, and 23 grants will be distributed for dispensaries. Philadelphia was out on the first round, but now the city wants in on the program.

City Councilman Derek Green said, “I think it is important that we raise this voice and raise this issue, as we try to combat poverty in our city.” Green added, “We believe with this growing industry of medical cannabis, this is a real opportunity to provide economic development opportunities here.”

State Representative Jordan Harris also strongly supports medical cannabis. Harris was quoted recently saying, “This is a billion-dollar industry,” and would later go onto to say, “We should be looking at not only do we want to have one in Philadelphia, we want to have all of the ancillary business that comes with it…We want to begin to train our young people on how to cultivate and how to grow and how [to] do so legally because this is the industry of the future.”

Pennsylvania was the 24th state in the U.S to legalize medical marijuana. It was in 2016 that Governor Tom Wolf signed the bill into law legalizing medical cannabis. The program became operating after a while, being more exact, the first growing facility approved in Pennsylvania received its permit in the fall of 2017. The first dispensary in the state only opened in January of 2018.

Patients of Pennsylvania’s program are only authorized to use non-smokable forms of medical cannabis, but a change seems to be on its way. This March, Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Advisory Board received a task of analyzing the possibility of expanding the program making the smokable flower available for patients.

This change was supported by the Board in April. However, before patients starting to find the flower in dispensaries to purchase, lawmakers and agencies must approve this decision.

If you are from PA and wish to get your medical marijuana card, there is some good news, Veriheal can help you facilitate the entire process of obtaining medical cannabis. We help you find a registered physician and book an appointment in which you get to consult with a doctor who will answer all your questions and write you a mmj recommendation for one of the qualifying conditions. Under the laws of PA, all consultations need to be in person at this time.

Veriheal will guide you through the entire processes, from finding a registered doctor, booking you a consultation, registering with the PA DOH and even locating a dispensary nearby.




Written by Veriheal

Find Healing Through Medical Cannabis

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